1. Certificate GOST-R
  2. Declaration of Conformity GOST
  3. Fire Safety Certificate
  4. Railway Transport Certification
  1. Hygienic Certificate
  2. UKRSepro Certificate
  3. Declaration of Conformity Ukraine
  1. GOST-K Certificate
  1. Belgis Certificate
  1. New Technical Regulations and EAC Mark of Conformity for Machinery Exports to Russia, Kazakhstan or Belarus.
  2. Published a list of packages that are subject to the declaration of conformity.
  3. Customs Union:new restrictions in the technical requirements on food.
  4. Eurasian Economic Commission :The changes in the Goods Nomenclature for preparations for contact Senses.
EAC Certificates and declarations.

The Customs Union Certificate of Conformity (EAC certificate)

With the moment of the creation in 2010 of the Customs Union between the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan, there is a need to establish uniform procedures related to certification in the Customs Union. Certification EAC of the Customs Union is to confirm the compatibility of the production with the norms and standards in force in the Customs Union. All the norms and standards of the Customs Union shall be established within the framework of functioning of the authority such as the Commission of the Customs Union. Over time, there were developed common requirements concerning the attestation of compliance and safety for the production, which requires the appropriate certificates before placing it on the market. There was approved the single model of the EAC Certificate of Conformity of Customs Union and Declaration valid throughout the territory of the Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan.

EAC Certificates and declarations are issued by accredited by the Commission of the Customs Union units and laboratories authorized to carry out testing and research.

The subject of obligatory certification and declaration are products, included in the list of such products, issued by the authorities of the Customs Union. All products should simultaneously be in compliance with the requirements of a particular country – a member of the Customs Union, in which it plans to trade in the commodity. Products, for which was issued EAC Certificate of Conformity or Declaration are marked with a special national sign of compliance (a sign of admission to trading) of the country (member CU), in which were issued documents of conformity.

Having the Certificate EAC of the Customs Union is tantamount to the admission of the trading of goods in the Customs Union countries without any additional documents and certificates. This type of certificate is issued for a period of up to five years, in accordance with applicable technical regulations.

Information that is required to obtain the EAC Certificate includes: the applicant’s name, the manufacturer’s name, the number and name of the normative document (technical regulations), protocols of tests, product name and customs tariff code.

The big advantage of having a EAC Certificate is no need to hold any other documents confirming compliance with the standards and admission to trading on the market of the Member States of the Customs Union. Certificates confirm that the product complies with all safety standards and can be used without concern for the health and life - it is a valuable product. In addition, the production which does not have a EAC Certificate, has no opportunities to develop on this market.

The same case is with EAC Declaration of Conformity - a document in which the manufacturer or supplier confirms that the product complies with the requirements of technical regulations in force in the Members States of the Customs Union. EAC Declaration of Conformity ensures the free movement of goods across the borders of the Customs Union and the greater certainty of safety products for customers.

Currently, obligatory confirmation of compliance with the Declaration of Conformity of the CU shall be subject to light industry products, packaging machines, packaging, and cosmetic products. Each Declaration of Conformity of the Customs Union should be registered in the appropriate certification authority (here, as in the case of Certificates, Declarations are issued by accredited bodies).

Information that is contained in the EAC Declaration of Conformity are identical to the data that are required to issue the Certificate. They concern both the product itself and the applicant, the manufacturer, the authority issuing the declaration and the date of issue the Declaration of the Customs Union and the period of its validity.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the EAC Certificates and Declarations, please contact us and discuss it with our experts. Contact us
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